Teaching Multiple Students?
All About Reading makes it easy to teach multiple students! If you're teaching more than one child, you'll need to purchase a few individual products for each child.
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⚠️ CHOKING HAZARD - Small Parts. Not for children under 3 yrs.
Color Edition. Package includes: one Teacher's Manual and one Student Packet (Activity Book, Flashcards, Stickers).
This is a one-time purchase (per student). Flashcards NOT included. Includes tabbed Spelling Dividers and foam spacers.
This is a one-time purchase per household. Includes every tile needed for both AAS and AAR, magnets, and two storage bags.
Color Edition. Included in the Level 2 Materials.
For Color Edition Only. Not compatible with the Black-and-White Edition Teacher's Manual. Included in the Level 2 Materials. Contains four sets of flashcards, Colorful Candy stickers, and Activity Book. Purchase one for each additional student.
For Color Edition Only. Not compatible with the Black-and-White Edition Teacher's Manual. Included in Level 2 Student Packet and materials package.
Developed for busy parents, teachers, and tutors, All About Spelling is a scripted, open-and-go program that teaches spelling in the most effective way possible. This award-winning seven-level program provides complete and comprehensive instruction using...
Includes Snug as a Bug, Birds of a Feather, and Something Fishy Stock up on quality hands-on reading and spelling activities and save when you purchase all three of our premium review books together. Each colorful edition in this collection includes 16...
ISBN: 978-1-959954-11-8 If you’re looking for a way to make learning more fun, invite a hoard of bugs into your kitchen. Whether it’s “eew!” or “ah!”, bugs are the bee’s knees when it comes to making reading and spelling review more fun and memorable...
Softcover: 312 pages ISBN: 978-1-935197-95-9 Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches For Color Edition AAS only. Not compatible with the Black-and-White Edition Student Packet or flashcards. The comprehensive All About Spelling Level 2 Teacher's Manual...
If you've ever wished for more activities to help your child review the concepts taught in All About Reading or All About Spelling, this book is for you! This new 136-page book includes 16 full-color activities designed to help students review reading...
ISBN: 978-1-935197-97-3 For Color Edition AAS only. Not compatible with the Black-and-White Edition Teacher's Manual or materials. The Level 2 Student Packet contains: The full-color Burst into Spelling activity...
If you've ever wished for more activities to help your child review the concepts taught in All About Reading or All About Spelling, this book is for you! This new 150-page book includes 16 full-color activities designed to help students review reading...
Softcover: 208 pages Illustrations: full color ISBN: 978-1-935197-96-6 Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches For Color Edition AAS only. Not compatible with the Black-and-White Edition Teacher's Manual or materials...
Use these sweet stickers on your student's All About Spelling Level 2 candy-themed progress chart! Each sheet contains 71 colorful stickers plus one bonus sticker featuring the level's hero character. The complete set of All About Spelling Level 2...
Store your All About Spelling books and supplies in this sturdy tote bag. It helps keep you organized! When you are ready to teach, just grab your tote bag and go. Made of stain-resistant polycanvas, the tote bag features an open main compartment and a...
Includes:Spelling Review BoxSpelling Divider Cards Store your All About Spelling flashcards in our new Spelling Review Box! By popular demand, this box is large enough to hold the Phonogram Cards, Sound Cards, and Rule Cards from all seven levels of the...
The Letter Tiles kit includes all tiles needed for all levels of both All About Reading and All About Spelling. This set wil be used for the lifetime of both programs. Also included are: Magnets Tokens for segmenting Syllable tags 2 zip bags for easy...
Letter tiles play an important role in the All About Reading and All About Spelling lessons. Attach these magnets to the back of the color-coded letter tiles to enhance letter tile storage and use. Magnetic tiles are easy to prepare and use. Magnets...
Keep your Spelling card box easily organized with this set of 12 Spelling divider cards. These cards feature laminated color-coded divider tabs, sized to fit the All About Spelling flashcards so that everything stays nice and neat. These divider cards...
All About Reading makes it easy to teach multiple students! If you're teaching more than one child, you'll need to purchase a few individual products for each child.
The Letter Tiles app for tablets can be used in place of or in addition to the physical Letter Tiles. The Letter Tiles app can be purchased from the app store of your choice and is available for iPad, Android, and Amazon Fire tablets as well as touch-enabled Chromebooks.
Students should complete All About Spelling Level 1 before starting Level 2. All About Spelling is a building-block program: each level builds upon the previous one. In order to build a strong foundation, most students start with Level 1. You can use our placement test to determine which level is best for your student. If you have questions, contact us and we'd be happy to help!
Begin Placement TestChoosing the right spelling program is an important decision! Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.
Level 2 has 31 lessons. Please know that the lessons in All About Spelling are not meant to be completed in one day
In fact, some lessons may take a week or more to finish. A number of variables contribute to how quickly a lesson can be completed, including your student's age, attention span, and prior experience, and the difficulty of the concept being taught.
If you are teaching more than one student at a time, you will need to order one additional Student Packet and one additional Spelling Review Box for each additional student. The Level 2 Materials contain enough for teaching one student.
If you will be reusing your Level 2 Materials for future students, you can reuse the flashcards and simply purchase another activity book.
Yes! You can download them here:
We have both regular and wide-ruled sheets that correspond perfectly to the Color Edition. You can download them here:
Our Letter Tiles are designed to be used for both All About Reading and All About Spelling and include all letter tiles needed for every level of both programs. You will only need one kit per household. If you purchased your Letter Tiles before April 2023, see additional information in the "Previous Editions" FAQ section below.
Yes. Each box comes with divider cards, and these are different for reading and spelling. Also, you will want a separate Spelling Review Box to store and organize the flashcards that come in your All About Spelling Student Packet. If you are teaching multiple students, we recommend purchasing separate review boxes for each child.
Yes, we are! We'll announce additional levels on our social media pages and our newsletter as we get closer to the release dates.
The older kit did not include specialty tiles (Syllable Tags, prefixes, and suffixes). Instead, these were included in the Level 2-7 Student Packets as needed. The Level 2-7 Student Packets will continue to include specialty tiles to ensure customers still receive all the tiles needed for the program. However, there have been multiple improvements to our new Letter Tiles kit that might benefit you, such as:
No. The First Edition materials are not compatible with the Color Edition materials. Since so much new content was added to the Color Edition, it would be very difficult to use part of the newer version in conjunction with the First Edition. However, you can reuse the Letter Tiles.
The lessons were slightly reworked and expanded; however, the biggest difference is that the new materials are in full color and now include an activity book. The Color Edition Teacher’s Manual has more than doubled in size and provides much more support for the teacher and student! It now includes an expanded Introduction section, Before You Begin sections for each lesson, Advanced Application sections for older students, and extensive appendices for additional spelling reference for the teacher (including a list of spelling rules taught in this level). It also comes with a student activity book, including spelling rules posters, greatly expanded word banks, and activity sheets for each lesson. Learn more about the changes from the First Edition to the Color Edition here.
Yes, while supplies last! Here are links for purchasing the First Edition All About Spelling Level 2 products:
Yes! You can download them here:
Yes, the two editions follow the same scope and sequence. You can move between the Color Edition and First Edition versions without any trouble. For example, you can go from black-and-white Level 1 to color Level 2 to black-and-white Level 3.
We've made purchasing even easier! Due to customer feedback, we have phased out our Interactive Kits. Instead, the Letter Tiles now include all tiles needed for all levels of All About Reading and All About Spelling and are purchased separately as a one-time purchase. The divider cards are also now included with the review boxes.
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